Facts about the climate emergency
In my opinion, Global warming is would be serious problem in the future. Because if the temperatures increase 1.5°C, 1 meter added in sea-level rise and 6 million or 16 million people are affected by sea-level rise in coastal areas by the end of this century. And also I think we have to reduce the emition of methane to help limit 1.5°C to 2°C. According to IPPC , Over 75 per cent of methane emissions could be mitigated with technology that exists today. We should aim net-zero carbon and we should use renewable souces more despite of fossil fuel. the word " net-zero" meaning the balance between the amount of green house gas that's produced and amount that's removedfrom the atmosphere. https://www.unep.org/facts-about-climate-emergency#:~:text=The%20unlikelihood%20of%20achieving%20this,sources%2C%20livelihoods%20and%20economies%20worldwide.