
The gap in the US

 There are some gaps between black people and white people  in the US. White people's income is higher than black people and that gap has been widening since 2000. Then, because of the COVID-19 many black people lost their jobs and even the economy has improved, the pace of job recovery has been slow. So the black unemployment rate has been increasing since the pandemic. And also the poverty rate of black people is more than double compare with white poeple.

World Wealth Equity

 World Wealth Equity Nowadays, the world has a various economic diversity in term of level for each countries. Each countries economy power is being determined by many factors such as: Human Resources, Natural Resources, Political Influence, Infrastructure, Stability, ETC. Those factors are combined and make an overall of economic status of that country. For the example of this topic, we can take a look at United States of America economic status. In this current era, America has been a superpower country for a various reasons and one of them is its economic status. America is undoubtedly the strongest country in term of economic and wealth power. It is proved by the United States of America Dollar currency (USD) that has become a world`s economic status standard and its worldwide usage. Because of its currency value and standard, America will most likely the least country that would ever go bankrupt. Furthermore, America also has many resources that support its economic status. It can

Understanding social mobility

https://youtu.be/7kGQQKjxdVI?feature=shared Reportedly,Data collcted in 2022 across 27 OECD countries  reveal widespread concern about the current level of economic inequality and a perceived lack of opportunity in society. Nearly 80% of respondents believe that economic inequality should be reduced or that more should be done to ensure equal opportunity. So  I think social mobility is important for the pople who have fewer opportunities to climb the socio-economic ladder.

Facts about the climate emergency

In my opinion, Global warming is would be serious problem in the future. Because if the temperatures increase 1.5°C, 1 meter added in sea-level rise and 6 million or 16 million people are affected by sea-level rise in coastal areas by the end of this century. And also I think we have to reduce the emition of methane to help limit  1.5°C to 2°C. According to IPPC ,    Over 75 per cent of methane emissions could be mitigated with technology that exists today. We should aim net-zero carbon and we should use renewable souces more despite of fossil fuel. the word " net-zero" meaning the balance between the amount of green house gas that's produced and amount that's removedfrom the atmosphere. https://www.unep.org/facts-about-climate-emergency#:~:text=The%20unlikelihood%20of%20achieving%20this,sources%2C%20livelihoods%20and%20economies%20worldwide.

Monsanto's problem

https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/home-garden/monsanto#:~:text=Monsanto's%20use%20of%20toxic%20chemicals&text=Overuse%20and%20misuse%20of%20pesticides,of%20farmers%20and%20their%20communities. They are using toxic chemicals its significant impacts to ecosystems and farmer's health. Some people were suffered and became cancers by Monsanto's glyphosate and its still widely sold today by Bayer. For me, their products are completely bad for farmer's health so they should impose a ban on use their products.