Gig pros and cons
Gig workers have more flexibility and independence than the permanent jobs. However, they also have less job security and rarely get benefits such as health insurance and annual leave.
Many younger workers are leaving their traditional jobs for temporary and flexible work.
There are many advantages and disadvantages for gig wirkers.
They can work more flexible and freely than par time workers and permanent workers because they can choose how many days and hours that they'll work by theirself.
But gig workers income are irregular compare with other kind of workers so their earnings are not stable.
And also there are no traditional employment benefits for gig workers.
On the other hand, the permanent workers have many traditional employment benefits such as health insurence, pension, bonuses and so on.
So in my opinion, gig work is suit for the students and young people who wants to earn some money freely and frexibly.
Gig work is really a good way to earn more money if you have full time job already.