World Wealth Equity
World Wealth Equity
Nowadays, the world has a various economic diversity in term of level for each countries. Each countries economy power is being determined by many factors such as: Human Resources, Natural Resources, Political Influence, Infrastructure, Stability, ETC. Those factors are combined and make an overall of economic status of that country.
For the example of this topic, we can take a look at United States of America economic status. In this current era, America has been a superpower country for a various reasons and one of them is its economic status. America is undoubtedly the strongest country in term of economic and wealth power. It is proved by the United States of America Dollar currency (USD) that has become a world`s economic status standard and its worldwide usage. Because of its currency value and standard, America will most likely the least country that would ever go bankrupt. Furthermore, America also has many resources that support its economic status. It can be seen with its overall budgets in many aspects, for example: Military Spending, Infrastructure Expenditure, ETC are mostly above of many countries and directly leading the world economy status. The only countries nowadays that could rival the America`s economic power is China who almost at the same level with the America itself.
Beside America, there are many countries with lower economic status than America, like the majority of the member of the third world countries. These countries are being hindered by the lack of resources they currently have. Even so, they still contributing to the world economy by doing their export and import to the rest of the world despite the trading level they have. So the world equity in overall meaning is about the contribution of each countries to support the world by their own export and import (trading) and not all contribution level are evenly divided because each countries have their own capabilities in doing this contribution.
There is always an imbalance between us and country. It is a great challenge for us to fill the gap of that imbalance part.